Case details

Court: ned
Docket #: 4:13-cv-03070
Case Name: Carlos Nino De Rivera LaJous, et al v. Bruning et al
PACER case #: 62369
Date filed: 2013-04-01
Date terminated: 2013-10-15
Date of last filing: 2013-10-28
Assigned to: Senior Judge Richard G. Kopf
Referred to: Magistrate Judge Cheryl R. Zwart
Case Cause: 28:1331 Federal Question: Other Civil Rights
Nature of Suit: 950 Constitutional - State Statute
Jury Demand: None
Jurisdiction: Federal Question


Represented Party Attorney & Contact Info
Carlos Nino De Rivera Lajous
Bernard J. Glaser , Jr.
GLASER LAW FIRM PO Box 94902 Lincoln, NE 68509 (402) 435-4411 Fax: (402) 474-1024 Email:

David G. Sigale
SIGALE LAW FIRM 739 Roosevelt Road Suite 304 Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 (630) 452-4547 Fax: (630) 596-4445 Email:

Second Amendment Foundation, Inc.
Bernard J. Glaser , Jr.
(See above for address)

David G. Sigale
(See above for address)

Nebraska Firearms Owners Association
Bernard J. Glaser , Jr.
(See above for address)

David G. Sigale
(See above for address)

Jon Bruning
in his official capacity as Attorney General of the State of Nebraska TERMINATED: 08/30/2013
Elizabeth A. Gregory
ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE - NEBRASKA 2115 State Capitol Building P.O. Box 98920 Lincoln, NE 68509-8920 (402) 471-1926 Fax: (402) 471-4725 Email:

Stephanie A. Caldwell
ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE - NEBRASKA 2115 State Capitol Building P.O. Box 98920 Lincoln, NE 68509-8920 (402) 471-2682 Fax: (402) 471-0006 Email:

David Sankey
in his official capacity as Superintendent of the Nebraska State Patrol
Elizabeth A. Gregory
(See above for address)

Stephanie A. Caldwell
(See above for address)


Date Filed Document # Attachment # Short Description Long Description Upload date SHA1 hash
2013-04-01 1 0 Complaint COMPLAINT against All Parties ( Filing fee $ 350, receipt number 0867-2467217)Carlos de Rivera Lajous (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet Civil Cover Sheet)(Glaser, Bernard) (Entered: 04/01/2013) 2013-04-02 08:09:19 3480f79480135b76a5ef6b2d39340b2503a511d4
1 1 Civil Cover Sheet Civil Cover Sheet 2015-08-18 02:22:42 a1e46a1f8d17f23239df8e70def4def7a378422f
2013-04-01 2 0 Assignment of Judges TEXT NOTICE OF JUDGES ASSIGNED: Senior Judge Richard G. Kopf and Magistrate Judge Cheryl R. Zwart assigned. (MKR) (Entered: 04/01/2013)
2013-04-01 3 0 Attorney Letter ATTORNEY LETTER by Clerk that Attorney David G. Sigale has not registered for admittance to practice. If the requested action is not taken within fifteen (15) days of the date of this letter, this matter will be referred to the assigned magistrate judge for the entry of a show cause order. (MKR) (Entered: 04/01/2013) 2015-08-18 02:22:40 da9b038d08021acf75dd9e71526e80fd51884038
2013-04-02 4 0 Statement STATEMENT Signed Civil Cover Sheet by Attorney Bernard J. Glaser, Jr on behalf of Plaintiff Carlos Nino De Rivera Lajous.(Glaser, Bernard) (Entered: 04/02/2013) 2015-08-18 02:22:44 b00a8a874fb911b1909e918e90ad354aad01b9e2
2013-04-03 5 0 Summons Requested Summons Requested as to Bruning regarding Complaint 1 . (Glaser, Bernard) (Entered: 04/03/2013) 2015-08-18 02:22:46 d00ab0ca518a6bc09e26078305379d84a12589fe
2013-04-03 6 0 Summons Requested Summons Requested as to Sankey regarding Complaint 1 . (Glaser, Bernard) (Entered: 04/03/2013) 2015-08-18 02:22:48 e2832de8a753a26bc62a79799a8b9d9064a4cf61
2013-04-03 7 0 Summons Issued Summons Issued as to defendants Jon Bruning and David Sankey. YOU MUST PRINT YOUR ISSUED SUMMONS, WHICH ARE ATTACHED TO THIS DOCUMENT. PAPER COPIES WILL NOT BE MAILED. (AOA) (Entered: 04/03/2013) 2015-08-18 02:40:06 0adb65ac9e1572af8b589bf9bb2426d3a248231b
2013-04-05 8 0 Motion for Extension of Time to File Responsive Pleading MOTION for Extension of Time to File a Responsive Pleading by Attorney Stephanie A. Caldwell on behalf of Defendants Jon Bruning, David Sankey.(Caldwell, Stephanie) (Entered: 04/05/2013)
2013-04-05 9 0 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Responsive Pleading TEXT ORDER granting 8 Motion for Extension of Time to File a Responsive Pleading. Jon Bruning answer or response due 5/27/2013; David Sankey answer or response due 5/27/2013. Ordered by Deputy Clerk. (AOA) (Entered: 04/05/2013)
2013-04-05 10 0 Notice of Appearance NOTICE of Appearance by Attorney Elizabeth A Gregory on behalf of Defendants Jon Bruning, David Sankey (Gregory, Elizabeth) (Entered: 04/05/2013)
2013-04-08 11 0 Summons Returned Executed SUMMONS Returned Executed upon all Defendants defendant All Plaintiffs. (Glaser, Bernard) (Entered: 04/08/2013) 2015-08-18 02:22:52 747cc74297a321437d5494950bc544bce48130d2
2013-04-17 12 0 Application/Order Pro Hac Vice APPLICATION/ORDER admitting pro hac vice Attorney David G. Sigale for Plaintiffs Carlos Nino De Rivera Lajous, Nebraska Firearms Owners Association, Second Amendment Foundation, Inc.. Ordered by Deputy Clerk. (AOA) (Entered: 04/17/2013)
2013-05-28 13 0 Motion to Dismiss MOTION to Dismiss by Attorney Stephanie A. Caldwell on behalf of Defendants Jon Bruning, David Sankey.(Caldwell, Stephanie) (Entered: 05/28/2013)
2013-05-28 14 0 Brief BRIEF in support of Defendants' Motion to Dismiss by Attorney Stephanie A. Caldwell on behalf of Defendants Jon Bruning, David Sankey.(Caldwell, Stephanie) (Entered: 05/28/2013)
2013-06-26 15 0 Reply Brief REPLY BRIEF in support of Motion to Dismiss by Attorney Stephanie A. Caldwell on behalf of Defendants Jon Bruning, David Sankey.(Caldwell, Stephanie) (Entered: 06/26/2013)
2013-06-26 16 0 Motion for Extension of Time to File Responsive Pleading MOTION for Extension of Time to File a Responsive Pleading (Response to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss) by Attorney David G. Sigale on behalf of Plaintiffs Carlos Nino De Rivera Lajous, Nebraska Firearms Owners Association, Second Amendment Foundation, Inc..(Sigale, David) (Entered: 06/26/2013) 2015-08-18 02:22:53 f148255745da7392c73673c434ae9003a0c26a6e
2013-06-27 17 0 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Responsive Pleading TEXT ORDER - Plaintiffs' motion for extension of time (filing 16 is granted. Plaintiffs shall have until July 8, 2013, to respond to Defendants' motion to dismiss (filing 13 ). Ordered by Senior Judge Richard G. Kopf. (AOA) (Entered: 06/27/2013)
2013-07-11 18 0 Response RESPONSE regarding MOTION to Dismiss 13 by Attorney David G. Sigale on behalf of Plaintiffs Carlos Nino De Rivera Lajous, Nebraska Firearms Owners Association, Second Amendment Foundation, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Amicus Brief in Woollard v. Gallagher, # 2 Exhibit B - ORder of Injunction in Pliego-Gonzalez v. Omaha, # 3 Exhibit C - Missouri SB 75, # 4 Exhibit D - ORder of Preliminary Injunction in Jackson v. King (D.NM))(Sigale, David) (Entered: 07/11/2013)
2013-07-11 19 0 Motion to Extend Unopposed MOTION to Extend deadline to file Reply Brief by Attorney Stephanie A. Caldwell on behalf of Defendants Jon Bruning, David Sankey.(Caldwell, Stephanie) (Entered: 07/11/2013)
2013-07-12 20 0 Order on Motion to Extend TEXT ORDER granting 19 Motion to Extend. Defendants shall have until July 29, 2013, to reply regarding their motion to dismiss (filing 13 ). Ordered by Senior Judge Richard G. Kopf. (AOA) (Entered: 07/12/2013)
2013-07-25 21 0 Reply Brief REPLY BRIEF in support of Defendants' Motion to Dismiss by Attorney Stephanie A. Caldwell on behalf of Defendants Jon Bruning, David Sankey.(Caldwell, Stephanie) (Entered: 07/25/2013)
2013-08-30 22 0 Order on Motion to Dismiss MEMORANDUM AND ORDER - The defendants' motion to dismiss (filing 13 ) is granted in part and denied in part, as follows: Count I of the plaintiffs' complaint (Second Amendment claim) is dismissed with prejudice. Count II of the plaintiffs' complaint (equal protection claim) is dismissed with prejudice to the limited extent that the claim involves a facial challenge Neb. Rev. Stat. § 69-2433(10). John Bruning, in his official capacity as Attorney General of the State of Nebraska, is dismissed as a party defendant. In all other respects, the motion is denied. Ordered by Senior Judge Richard G. Kopf. (AOA) (Entered: 08/30/2013) 2013-09-06 07:54:59 b5122d53212f871f94e5ed986b6d6ddbe3e0f0e2
2013-09-04 23 0 Scheduling Letter SCHEDULING LETTER - Rule 26 Meeting Report Deadline set for 10/4/2013. Ordered by Magistrate Judge Cheryl R. Zwart. (DMS) (Entered: 09/04/2013)
2013-09-20 24 0 Motion for Extension of Time to File Responsive Pleading Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File a Responsive Pleading by Attorney Stephanie A. Caldwell on behalf of Defendants Jon Bruning, David Sankey.(Caldwell, Stephanie) (Entered: 09/20/2013)
2013-09-22 25 0 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Responsive Pleading TEXT ORDER granting 24 Motion for Extension of Time to File a Responsive Pleading. Defendants Jon Bruning and David Sankey shall responde to the Plaintiffs Complaint by no later than October 4, 2013. Ordered by Magistrate Judge Cheryl R. Zwart. (Zwart, Cheryl) (Entered: 09/22/2013)
2013-10-04 26 0 Stipulation STIPULATION TO ENTRY OF FINAL JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION by Attorney Stephanie A. Caldwell on behalf of Defendant David Sankey.(Caldwell, Stephanie) (Entered: 10/04/2013)
2013-10-07 27 0 Order on Stipulation MEMORANDUM AND ORDER - On or before October 28, 2013, the parties shall jointly file an amended motion or stipulation for dismissal of this action and provide the undersigned with a proposed judgment for approval and filing. Absent compliance with this order, the court may enter a final judgment pursuant to filing 26 on the terms outlined in the foregoing memorandum. Ordered by Senior Judge Richard G. Kopf. (AOA) (Entered: 10/07/2013) 2015-08-18 02:22:55 e6ae1e1d85d47c27fae81069827115bb9b7bc4d6
2013-10-11 28 0 Stipulation STIPULATION TO ENTRY OF FINAL JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION by Attorney Stephanie A. Caldwell on behalf of Defendant Jon Bruning.(Caldwell, Stephanie) (Entered: 10/11/2013)
2013-10-15 29 0 Order on Stipulation ORDER AND FINAL JUDGMENT adopting 28 Stipulation - For the reasons set forth in the Court's Order on Motion to Dismiss of August 30,2013 (Filing No. 22 ), a. Count I of Plaintiffs' Complaint is dismissed with prejudice. b. Plaintiffs' claims against the Nebraska Attorney General are dismissed withprejudice. c. Count III of Plaintiffs' Complaint is voluntarily dismissed pursuant to F.R.Civ.P. 41(a)(1)(A)(ii). Pursuant to Plaintiffs' as-applied Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection claim in Count II, Defendant is permanently enjoined from taking any action to enforce Neb. Rev. Stat. § 69-2433(10) as applied to the application of lawful permanent residents to obtain a permit to carry a concealed handgun, provided they are otherwise-qualified. Upon entry of the final order and permanent injunction, Defendant shall allow Plaintiffs and other lawful permanent residents residing in Nebraska to apply for, and obtain, a permit to carry a concealed handgun, provided they are otherwise-qualified to obtain such a permit pursuant to the Nebraska Concealed Handgun Permit Act. Plaintiffs' shall file an application for attorneys' fees and expenses on or before November 5, 2013. Ordered by Senior Judge Richard G. Kopf. (AOA) (Entered: 10/15/2013) 2014-07-25 03:41:51 b3b2b83132d44086756dc0952ff8d1422e89e3c8
2013-10-25 30 0 Stipulation STIPULATION regarding attorneys' fees and costs by Attorney Stephanie A. Caldwell on behalf of Defendant David Sankey.(Caldwell, Stephanie) (Entered: 10/25/2013) 2015-08-18 02:22:56 70232025814d47c53ce0fee4db7f002e5144668b
2013-10-28 31 0 Order on Stipulation 2015-08-18 02:22:58 6f397d3bf198ff2009eb5b71573ccc082484e662